Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Talya Teketz / Oliveros Lenny / Poisson Matteo


Unknown said...

Hi, my name is talya, I am 15 years old and study fashion design at reut high-school of art in Haifa. I have an older brother and sister that are already married and with kids. When I'm not in school I like being with my friends, dancing and spending time with my family. I really like to travel and explore the World.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Looking forward to talking to you:)

Anonymous said...


my name is Lenny I'm 12 years old

I have a sister of 21 years and two brothers: my older brother is 16 years
and my little brother is 6 years old

I like being with my friends and my computer

I do not like bad weather and rain

when I have free time I like to play football and computer

I live in Ganière in France, a village, and you?

and what do you like?

thank you for watching this letter goodbye

Looking forward to talking to you

See you Talya

Anonymous said...

My name is Matteo .
I'm 13 yeard .
I from france.
I have two dogs .
I like football and I don't like fortnite and JUL .
I live with my two brothers and my parents .
My house is in the country .
My dream is to work in a supermarket and you ?

Unknown said...

Hi lenny, how are you?
I also have siblings, my older brother is named daniel and he is 26 years old,and my older sisters name is neomi and she's 21 years old. What are your siblings names?

I also like being with my friends.

I live in Haifa.

I like dancing, baking, traveling and being with my friends and family.

What do you want to do when you grow up?

Hope you have a good day.

Unknown said...

Hi matteo, how are you?
What are your dogs names?

I also live with my parents in Haifa, but my older brother and sister are married and don't live with us anymore.
I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up but right now I am very interested in being a business woman.

Hope you have a good day.

Unknown said...

I wanted to share with you about a holiday that we have soon, it called "purim". Purim is kind of like Halloween,everyone dresses up in different costumes. This year I am dressing up with my friends but unfortunately we still don't know what we are going as...
Because it's a religious holiday we have a few traditions, for example we give to our friends, family and charities a special present with snacks, wine or grape juice and whatever you what to give..
There are many more thing that we do during the holiday.
If you are interested i will tell you about them.


Anonymous said...

Hi Talya
I'm fine thanks !
The names of my brothers and sister is Dylan, Camille and Nolan.
Later I want to be fireman.

Purim seems to be good. Can you tell me more about it?

Goodbye ! ☺☺☻☻
and Good day ☺☺☻☻


Anonymous said...

hi talya . i'm fine thanks.
The name of my dog is snow and aria as in Game of trones.
i live gagnières with my mom, it's a small and quiet village.

Purim seems to be cool. Here in France for Halloween we must be dressed up in scary costumes... so I can't really help you.

What do you do during this holiday?
Hope you have a good day .
